In the quiet streets of Bluffton, South Carolina, a heartbreaking story is unfolding. A mother, Alejandra Guzman, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit following the tragic passing of her 4-month-old daughter, Starling Guzman, who lost her life in a collision earlier this year. The incident, which took place on May 12, 2024, has not only devastated Guzman’s family but has also raised significant questions about safety and responsibility on the roads.
According to reports from the South Carolina Highway Patrol, the accident occurred when 31-year-old Gregorio Hernandez-Castillo was driving a 2011 Toyota RAV4 east on Bluffton Parkway. Witnesses say he lost control of the vehicle, veering off the road, and after an overcorrection, he crashed into a tree. The impact was so severe that Starling was pronounced dead at the scene. While Hernandez-Castillo escaped unharmed, another passenger in the vehicle was hospitalized in Savannah, highlighting just how quickly a night of fun can turn into a nightmare.
The lawsuit, which was filed on Tuesday, holds both Hernandez-Castillo and the child’s caregiver, 26-year-old Maria Romero, accountable for the tragedy. It alleges that Romero, who was responsible for caring for Starling at the time, took the infant to a party the night of the accident and subsequently allowed Hernandez-Castillo to drive home despite his intoxicated state. To compound the tragedy, court documents reveal that Romero made a stop to purchase additional alcohol during the drive.
The lawsuit outlines several claims, stating that Romero failed to properly secure Starling in her car seat, did not ensure the car seat was fixed into the vehicle, and irresponsibly permitted a drunk driver to operate the vehicle. It underscores the grievous decisions made that night, which led to a life being cut abruptly short.
Hernandez-Castillo faces multiple charges stemming from the incident, including felony driving under the influence, child endangerment, and possession of an open container of alcohol. As of Friday afternoon, he remained in custody at the Beaufort County Jail, where he has been denied bond.
This isn’t the first time Hernandez-Castillo has faced legal challenges for driving under the influence; he previously pled guilty to DUI in July 2023. His troubling history raises further concerns about the safety of roads in Bluffton, particularly on Bluffton Parkway, noted as a “collision hot spot” in the area by the state’s Department of Public Safety.
Bluffton Parkway has been emphasizing traffic safety amid a rise in fatal crashes. The local police have been focusing their patrol efforts on this busy road, trying to deter reckless driving habits that can lead to such devastating accidents. This incident serves as a grim reminder that one poor choice can lead to permanent consequences.
Alejandra Guzman is now seeking damages for her daughter’s death, which is a pain no parent should have to endure. As she fights for justice, the community is left mourning the loss of a precious life, with many hoping that this tragedy sparks changes to enhance safety on the roads.
The legal proceedings are ongoing, and Hernandez-Castillo’s court situation continues to unfold, with a hearing for his open container charge scheduled for early October. Meanwhile, Guzman’s attorney, representing her in the wrongful death case, is pushing for accountability from those involved in the fatal decision-making that night.
This heartbreaking situation in Bluffton highlights the importance of responsible behavior, especially when it comes to driving under the influence. The impact of actions can echo through families and communities, leaving a lasting mark that takes time to heal.
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