In a heartbreaking turn of events on Hilton Head Island, a 65-year-old man is behind bars, facing serious charges related to the tragic death of his 87-year-old mother. Jeffrey Page Howell has been accused of neglecting his mother, Alma Greer, which investigators say ultimately led to her untimely death back in October 2023.
Alma Greer passed away on October 5, 2023, in their shared home at the Woodhaven Garden Villas, located just a stone’s throw away from the beautiful Coligny Beach. But inside their apartment, things were far from picturesque. According to reports, conditions were alarming, and the environment was described as filthy with notable signs of severe hoarding.
The Beaufort County Coroner, David Ott, determined that Alma’s death was a homicide, stating she succumbed to “complications of neglect” such as malnutrition and dehydration. Emergency medical service teams arrived only to find the apartment in such disarray that they had to maneuver her body into the hallway for treatment because “their unit was bombarded with items.” Imagine that—an apartment with an entire ceiling blanketed in cobwebs!
It’s noted that this wasn’t the first time emergency responders had been called to the apartment. A paramedic revealed that he had contacted the Department of Social Services on two occasions in the months leading up to Alma’s death, indicating serious concerns about her health and living situation. The first of these calls occurred in August 2023, just prior to the alarming decline in her well-being.
In an interview with police, Howell insisted that his mother didn’t have major health issues. He even claimed that during her last doctor’s visit, she seemed to be in “good standing.” However, he mentioned that everything changed by mid-September when her health took a sharp turn for the worse as she found herself unable to walk or move.
Howell took a rather controversial stance on medical care, insisting that doctors and nurses had done little to assist his mother, and that they were merely “pumping her full of toxins.” Shockingly, he stated he had discharged her every time and refused medical help because he “did not believe in medications.” This disregard for medical advice raises serious questions about how he viewed his responsibility as her caretaker.
After further investigation prompted by the dire state of the apartment, local authorities moved to arrest Howell, charging him with abuse of a vulnerable adult resulting in death—a felony that could see him facing a hefty sentence of up to 30 years in prison if found guilty.
On Monday afternoon, he was arrested at his residence, and by Tuesday, he appeared in court and was granted a $100,000 surety bond. This means he will have to pay at least $10,000 to a bondsman for his release. As of Tuesday afternoon, Howell had not yet posted bail and continues to remain in custody at the Beaufort County Detention Center.
Residents of Hilton Head Island should be aware that more than 29% of people living in Beaufort County are aged 65 and over; this makes the community particularly susceptible to crimes against vulnerable adults. In fact, in June, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson reported a staggering 30% rise in reported incidents of crimes against vulnerable adults over the last couple of years, likely due to increased awareness in local law enforcement.
As this case develops, it serves as a harsh reminder of the vigilance we must maintain in protecting our elders from neglect and abuse. Stay tuned for updates on this unfolding story as the community processes this shocking event.
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