In the delightful town of Hilton Head Island, residents and visitors alike came together for a heartwarming occasion on November 28, 2023, as Hudson’s Seafood House on the Docks hosted their 25th annual Community Thanksgiving. The event, which ran from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m., turned out to be a beautiful showcase of kindness and community spirit.
When Robin Lockett arrived at the restaurant, she was greeted by a table set for thousands, a lively atmosphere, and a sense of widespread camaraderie. “This was the first year I’ve attended,” Lockett shared. Accompanied by her husband Albert, her mother Beatrice Brown, and cousin Rita Jones, they were more than ready to indulge in some festive cheer. Originally from New York City, Lockett’s family has called Hilton Head Island home for a while now.
The event, co-sponsored by St. Andrew By-The-Sea United Methodist Church and Hudson’s, started small in 1999 with about 500 guests. Over the years, that number has surged, with the dinner now providing a delicious Thanksgiving meal for over 1,600 guests. It’s astounding to see how this tradition has grown, and it reflects the warm hearts of the community.
Upon their arrival, Lockett and her family noticed a line already forming, filled with eager families excited for the celebration ahead. To enhance the festive feeling, none other than Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus were on hand to greet everyone as they waited in line. “Each person received a name tag with their names and where they came from, which really sparked some great conversations at our tables,” Lockett explained, highlighting the community-building aspect of the event.
Entertainment was abundant, with live music, comfortable seating, and various activities keeping everyone engaged while they awaited dinner. Lockett noted that they were finally seated around 2:30 p.m., feeling the buzz of excitement in the air.
When it came time for the meal, guests were treated to a delightful family-style dinner. “We had a choice of water or sweet tea, which was refreshing,” Lockett said. Servers brought out platters filled with Thanksgiving classics like turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, collards, and cranberry sauce. After the main feast, dessert lovers were in for a treat, with options including apple pie, banana pudding, sweet potato pie, and pumpkin pie. Lockett shared, “The food was very tasty, and many at our table had seconds and thirds!”
For Lockett and her family, this dinner was a chance to meet new friends. “We met many like us who relocated to the area, families from Virginia, Savannah, Ohio, and more,” she explained, excited about the connections they made. “It was a refreshing change from dinner at home or at a friend’s house. It was nice to be out and fellowship with people who we didn’t know but became familiar.”
Amid the laughter and shared stories, Lockett appreciated seeing families of all ages gathered to celebrate the holiday. The entire event was well-organized and offered a beautiful reminder of community spirit. As guests filled their plates and shared their own Thanksgiving traditions, the sense of belonging was palpable. “It was heartwarming to be part of such a significant gathering,” Lockett concluded, reflecting on the renewed bonds and joy that fill the air during this lovely holiday season.
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