Beaufort Welcomes Two Super Bowl Sunday Babies

Crocheted football baby helmets

Beaufort Welcomes Two Super Bowl Sunday Babies

Kansas City Chiefs fans weren’t the only ones who had something to celebrate this past weekend. It was indeed a Super Sunday for two local families when these little guys arrived at the Beaufort Memorial Collins Birthing Center several hours before gametime. Matthew Bawiliansang, son of Daisy and James Bawiliansang of Beaufort, kicked things off at 3:30 a.m., followed closely behind by Atlas Mateo Padron, son of Melissa Putterbaugh and Gabriel Padron of Ridgeland, who arrived at 4:56 a.m. The adorable keepsake football “helmets” were crocheted by Beaufort Memorial RN Victoria Mayo. Photos courtesy of Charlotte Berkeley.

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