In a heartbreaking turn of events, a 62-year-old woman has been arrested in connection with the murder of a pregnant 17-year-old woman from Barnwell, South Carolina. Identified as Jacqueline Reid, the aging suspect was taken into custody on Monday and has been charged with two counts of murder.
The deceased, Maylashia Hogg, had been full of excitement and anticipation regarding the arrival of her baby girl, whom she planned to name London Charity in honor of her late mother. Sadly, these dreams were shattered when Hogg was reported missing on Valentine’s Day, 2024, a day after her scheduled induction.
Days later, her lifeless body was discovered in a ditch near Perry Street in Barnwell County in what investigators have described as a heinous act of violence.
The investigation into Hogg’s death initially fell under the jurisdiction of the Barnwell Police Department (BPD). The case was later handed over to the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED).
According to the arrest warrants, Hogg was last seen near Reid’s residence on February 8th, a week before her disappearance. The documents revealed that Reid stands accused of stabbing Hogg multiple times with a sharp-edged weapon.
At the time of Hogg’s murder, the BPD was also investigating a seemingly unrelated disappearance of a 37-year-old male resident from the same apartment complex. Despite initial suspicions, the Barnwell County Sheriff’s Office confirmed there was no concrete evidence to suggest that the two cases were linked.
Addressing the public, SLED Chief Mark Keel reinforced the public’s faith in their local law enforcement agencies. “No matter where you live, no matter where you’re from, everybody in this state deserves an equal level of law enforcement service. Every case is important, and every victim deserves justice,” he remarked.
Reid has since been detained at the Barnwell County detention center. Her first court appearance is set for August 26th, 2024. The case will be handled by the S.C. second circuit solicitor’s office. As the proceedings continue, Reid will be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
In the quiet community of Barnwell, South Carolina, the shocking news of Maylashia’s murder has left residents shaken. As Reid awaits her day in court, her friends and family, as well as the community at large, grapple with her tragic loss.
While the wheels of justice churn, the memory of Maylashia, her lively spirit, and the life cut tragically short will forever live on in the hearts of those who knew her.
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